Dr. Lunow on study: "Use the results as a tool"

2024-02-25 11:28 AM by Borussia Dortmund–  3m read

The academic study entitled "Borussia Dortmund in the era of National Socialism, 1933-1945" has been available for four weeks. Borussia Dortmund President Dr Reinhold Lunow shared his thoughts on the results of the study.

"This study sheds light on the role of BVB in a particularly dark period of our history. The comparatively low number of NSDAP members emphasises the club's strong socio-political identity, which was deeply rooted in its working-class roots. It is clear that although the club outwardly adapted to the political conditions of the time, it maintained its independence from Nazi ideology. The authors describe this behaviour as skilful 'cheating', which points to subtle resistance, even if BVB was not at the centre of the open resistance. We are very grateful for the thorough research work that paints a detailed picture of BVB during National Socialism. It is important to recognise this part of our history and to learn from it for the present and the future."

Particularly at a time like now, when those who were there to witness the past are disappearing, other relevant and influential social actors are needed to fill the resulting vacuum. A club like Borussia Dortmund can provide an accessible platform for teaching about the Nazi era compared to a school textbook, for example. History cannot remain abstract, it must be made concrete, it must touch our own lives, and it must also help us to act in the here and now. It is therefore important to create and offer points of reference. Borussia Dortmund is no longer only involved in selective lighthouse projects such as educational trips, but more and more frequently and even more so with everyday programmes. The standard of content dealing with German history is very high. The network of partners is large and the range of programmes is diverse. Club president Dr Reinhold Lunow comments:

"At a time when there is a danger of right-wing extremist views gaining a foothold in the centre of society, Borussia Dortmund has a particularly important role to play in remembrance work to raise awareness of the horrors of National Socialism and send a clear signal against right-wing extremism. By utilising its media reach, BVB can help to highlight the importance of democracy and human rights."

To achieve this, it is important to actively work with the study and the results garnered from it. It can't be allowed to gather dust in a filing cabinet, it must be put to concrete use and easily accessible. For fans. For staff members. For all those interested. In the day-to-day. Everyday. Dr Reinhard Lunow explains in more detail: 

"The results of the study on BVB's Nazi era should be actively utilised. This includes integrating the results into the exhibition at the Borusseum and into educational programmes at the learning centre. Training and awareness-raising measures could be organised for employees and fans to promote a broader understanding of the historical events and to set an example against right-wing extremism and discrimination. Our aim is also to use the results of the study as a tool to promote awareness and responsibility in our society." Compiled by Nils Hotze

Study presented: BVB in the era of National Socialism

At the end of January 2024, researchers Dr Rolf Fischer and Katharina Wojatzek presented the results of the study during an event at the BORUSSEUM. In the current issue of the members' magazine, you can read the study's conclusions in full, as well as an interview with the authors and this appraisal by BVB President Dr Reinhold Lunow.

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